This web site introduces the book "Ripples on the Water - Bob Moore's Spiritual Impulse" released in September 2019.
The Danish edition "Ringe I vandet - om Bob Moores Impuls" was released in 2018.
In the menu above you can choose wether you want to look at the Danish or English edition.
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Den danske udgave:
Bogen er en blomsterbuket af indtryk fra forskellige forfattere, hvoraf næsten halvdelen er baseret på interviews.
"Jeg er taknemmelig over at have været et redskab for at bringe disse bidrag frem for omverdenen, som nu kan danne sig et indtryk af den enorme betydning, Bob Moore har haft ikke bare gennem sin undervisning, men også - og ikke mindst - gennem sit væsen."
(Annette Ikast)
Du kan læse mere om Bob Moore og bogens indhold under menupunktet "Dansk".

Bogen er dedikeret til Anni Moore.

The English edition:
The book is a bouquet of flowers, of personal testimonies from various authors. Almost half of them are based on interviews.
"I feel enriched and grateful to have been instrumental in bringing these contributions to the outside world. They bear witness to the enormous impact that Bob Moore has had on many people not only through his teaching but also through his way of being."
(Annette Ikast)
Read about Bob Moore and the contents of the book under the menu "English".

The book is dedicated to Anni Moore.

Vejledende pris / hardcover: Dkr. 299,-
ISBN: 978-87-4300-635-0

Vejledende pris / e-bog: Dkr. 129,-
ISBN: 978-87-4300-695-4

Bogen kan købes i boghandelen og i
BOD's bogshop.
Indicative price / softcover: Dkr. 229,-
ISBN: 978-87-4301-712-7

Indicative price / e-book: Dkr. 129,-
ISBN: 978-87-4301-758-5

The book can be purchased in
BOD's bookshop.
and other platforms.